Course curriculum
Chapter 1: The Nuts and Bolts of Residential Care in Key Areas, including Proxy Caregiving
A Personal Introduction and Advantage Explanation
Section 1-A: Developing and Following Disaster Preparedness Plans - 1.5 CEUs
Section 1-B: Disaster Preparedness and Response Review - 1.5 CEUs
Section 1-C: Reducing Personal Job Stress - .05 CEUs
Section 1-D: Reducing Personal Job Stress Review
Section 1-E: Key Elements of Corporate Compliance - 2 CEUs
Section 1-F: Where and How Corporate Compliance Applies - 1.5 CEUs
Section 1-G: Governance - 1.5 CEUs
Section 1-H: Corporate Compliance and Contracts - 2.0 CEUS
Section 1-I: Corporate Compliance Review Section
Section 1-J: What are and When Can You Use of Proxy Caregivers? - 2.0 CEUS
Section 1-K: Written Consent When Proxy Caregivers are Used and Governing Policies - - 1.5 CEUs
Section 1-L: When Licensed Facilities Use Proxy Caregivers - - 1.5 CEUs
Section 1-M: Proxy Caregiver Training Requirements - 1.5 CEUs
Section 1-N: Prohibitions and When Medications Are to Be Handled-Training - 3.0 CEUs
Section 1-O : Maintaining Records on Medication Administration & Competency Evaluations - - 1.5 CEUs
Chapter 2: Identifying and Responding to Needs of Population: Mental Illness, Alzheimer's, Cognitive Deficit
Section 2-A: The Mentally Ill - 1.5 CEUs
Section 2-B: The Medically Fragile Elderly - 1.5 CEUs
Section 2-C: Those with Intellectual Disorders - 1.5 CEUs
Section 2-D: The Definition and a Look at Vascular Dementia
Section 2-E: Lewy Body Dementia
Section 2-F: The Stages of Alzheimer's Disease
Section 2-G: Assisting with Activities of Daily Life
Section 2-H: Why Communication Matters - From Technique to Attitude
Section 2-I: Improving Your Communication with the Alzheimer's Patient
Section 2-J: Responding to Needs of Population Review
Chapter 3: Abuse and Neglect
Section 3-A: Abuse and Neglect - An Introduction - 2.0 CEUs
Section 3-B: Abuse and Neglect Defined - 3.0 CEUs
Section 3-C: Abuse and Neglect - Mandatory Reporting - 3.0 CEUs
Section 3-D: Abuse and Neglect Review
Chapter 4: Person Centered Planning
Section 4-A: The Very Term "Person-Centered" and its Implications... - 2.0 CEUs
Section 4-B: Major Objectives of This Series - 2.0 CEUs
Section 4-C: A Simplistic View of How to Make Person-Centered Planning Work - 4.0 CEUs
Section 4-D: Benefits of the Person Centered Approach and How to Apply It - 1.5 CEUs
Section 4-E: Person-Centered Planning Must Be a Priority: A Supplement - 3.0 CEUs
Section 4-F: The "Circles of Support" - 1.5 CEUs
Section 4-G: Gentle Teaching - The Real Dynamics of Working With People - - 1.5 CEUs
Chapter 5: Prevention & Containment of Communicable Disease
Section 5-A: What are Pathogens? - 2.0 CEUs
Section 5-B: How Are Pathogens Spread - 2.0 CEUs
Section 5-C: The Issue of HBV and HIV - 2.5 CEUs
Section 5-E: Personal Protective Equipment Defined - 1.5 CEUs
Section 5-F: Hygiene Practices - 1.5 CEUs
Section 5-G: Disease Prevention Review Section
Chapter 6: Medication Administration Principles - Including for Proxy Caregivers
Section 6-A: Introduction to Medication Administration and Definition of Medication - - 1.5 CEUs
Section 6-B: How are Medications To Be Administered? - 1.5 CEUs
Section 6-C: Do You Vary How Some Meds are Dealt With? - 1.5 CEUs
Section 6-D: Medication Side Affects and Potential Dangers - 1.5 CEUs
Section 6-E: How to Conduct a Medication Inventory - 1.5 CEUs
Section 6-F: "Nevers" Associated with Medication Administration - 1.5 CEUs
Section 6-G: Specific Procedures for Dispensing Medications - 1.5 CEUs
Section 6-H: When a Medication Should Not Be Given - 1.5 CEUs
Section 6-I: What Constitutes a Medication Error - 1.5 CEUs
Section 6-J: Major Routes, Dosage Forms and Medication Storage - 1.5 CEUs
Section 6-K: General Procedures for Administering Oral Medications - 1.5 CEUs
Section 6-L: General Procedure for Administering Topical Medications - 1.5 CEUs
Section 6-M: General Procedure for Administering Eye Drops - 1.5 CEUs
Section 6-N: General Procedure for Administering Ear Drops - 1.5 CEUs
Section 6-O: General Procedure for Administering Nose Drops - 1.5 CEUs
Section 6-P: General Procedure for Administering Rectal Suppositories - 1.5 CEUs
Section 6-Q: General Procedures for Administering Vaginal Medications - 1.5 CEUs
Section 6-R: The "5" Rights of Passing Medications - 1.5 CEUs
Section 6-S: Medication Administration Review
Congratulations on Completing Your Training!