Course curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter 1: Culture and Diversity

    • A Special Student and Subscription Holder Introduction...

    • A Special Introduction 2: Rules Applying in Each State

    • Summary of Client Rights Per State

    • A Bit About the 47 Sections to Come Next...

    • Chapter 1-Lesson A: Culture and Diversity: Human Sensitivity

    • Chapter 1-Lesson B: Getting Along and Flexibility

    • Chapter 1 Review: Culture and Diversity Review

  • 2

    Chapter 2: Infection Control

    • Chapter 2-Lesson A: Prevention & Containment of Communicable Disease: Blood Borne Pathogens

    • Chapter 2-Lesson B: Hepatitis B - Definition and Symptoms

    • Chapter 2-Lesson C: AIDS - Definitions and Symptoms, Part 2: Stages

    • Chapter 2-Lesson D: Infection Control - How to Protect Ourselves

    • Chapter 2-Lesson E: PPE, Work Practices & Engineering Controls

    • Chapter 2-Lesson F: Rules to Follow

    • Chapter 2-Lesson G: Hepatitis B Vaccinations

    • Chapter 2-Lesson H: Incident Reporting

    • Chapter 2 Review: Infection Control

  • 3

    Chapter 3: PPE Equipment Procedures

    • Chapter 3-Lesson A: Gloves

    • Chapter 3-Lesson B: Goggles, Face Shields and Approns

    • Chapter 3-Lesson C: Contaminated Clothing

  • 4

    Chapter 4: Abuse, Neglect Prevention and Response

    • Chapter 4-Lesson A: Abuse and Neglect Defined

    • Chapter 4-Lesson B: Recognizing and Responding to Reports of Abuse and Neglect

    • Chapter 4-Lesson C: Prevent Abuse

  • 5

    Chapter 5: Medication Administration

    • Chapter 5-Lesson A: Introduction to Medication Administration Principles

    • Chapter 5-Lesson B: Medication Affects and What Could Go Wrong

    • Chapter 5-Lesson C: How Are Meds Defined and to Be Adminstered

    • Chapter 5-Lesson D: Learning About Specific Medications

    • Chapter 5-Lesson E: Never Associated with Medication Adminsistration

    • Chapter 5-Lesson F: Systems for Medication Administration Security

    • Chapter 5-Lesson G: Procedures for Medication Administration

    • Chapter 5-Lesson H: Medication Errors and Precautions

    • Chapter 5-Lesson I: Medication Routes, Dosage and Storage

    • Chapter 5-Lesson J: The Significance of PRN

    • Chapter 5-Lesson K: Common Medication Abbreviations and Labels

    • Chapter 5-Lesson L: Medication Documentation Basics

    • Chapter 5-Lesson M: Damaqed and Contaminated Meds

  • 6

    Chapter 6: Medication Administration Part 2

    • Chapter 6-Lesson A: General Procedures for Adminstering Oral Medications

    • Chapter 6-Lesson B: General Procedures for Administering Topical Medications

    • Chapter 6-Lesson C: General Procedures for Adminstering Eye Drops

    • Chapter 6-Lesson D: General Procedures for Adminstering Ear Drops

    • Chapter 6-Lesson E: General Procedures for Adminstering Nose Drops or Spray

    • Chapter 6-Lesson F: General Procedures for Adminstering Rectal Suppositories

    • Chapter 6-Lesson G: General Procedures for Adminstering Vaginal Medications

    • Chapter 6-Lesson H: The "5 Rights" of Adminstering Medication

  • 7

    Chapter 7: Disaster Preparedness and Prevention-Fire

    • Chapter 7-Lesson A: Fire Safety Key General Elements

    • Chapter 7-Lesson B: Managing Flame Producing Equipment

    • Chapter 7-Lesson C: Fire Drills and Other Emergency Prep

  • 8

    Chapter 8: Managing Client Confidentiality

    • Chapter 8-Lesson A: Key Principles of Client Confidentiality

    • Chapter 8-Lesson B: The Role of HIPAA

  • 9

    Chapter 9: Client Right - State Specific

    • Chapter 9-Lesson A: Client Rights; A Complete Listing and Explanation

  • 10

    Chapter 10: Better Communication & Interaction with Alzheimer's Sufferers

    • Chapter 10-Lesson A: Alzheimer's/Dementia Section Introduction

    • Chapter 10-Lesson B: What is Alzheimer's Disease?

    • Chapter 10-Lesson C: What are Stages of Alzheimer's Disease?

    • Chapter 10-Lesson D: Is There a Cure for Alzheimer's Disease?

    • Chapter 10-Lesson E: Effective Communication Strategies

    • Chapter 10-Lesson F: You are Your Brother's Keeper

    • Chapter 10-Lesson G: Making Life Manageable for Sufferers

  • 11

    Chapter 11: Activity Programming

    • Chapter 11-Lesson A: Occupying the Mind Effectively. Supervising the Clients?

    • Chapter 11-Lesson B: Dialogue Summarizing Meaningful Activity in Adult Day Care

  • 12

    Chapter 12: Regulatory Oriented; 3 Important Acts

    • Chapter 12-Lesson A: The Americans With Disabilities Acts

    • Chapter 12-Lesson B: Civil Rights Act of 1991

    • Chapter 12-Lesson C: Rehab Act of 1993

  • 13

    Chapter 13: Safely Moving Humans

    • Chapter 13-Lesson A: Course Objectives and Introduction

    • Chapter 13-Lesson B: What Makes Your Back What It Is? An Anatomy Discussion

    • Chapter 13-Lesson C: Protecting Your Back and Keeping it Healthy In Care

    • Chapter 13-Lesson D: Applicable Legislation You May Find of Interest

  • 14

    Chapter 14: Food Preparation and Safety

    • Chapter 14-Lesson A: Introduction

    • Chapter 14-Lesson B: Basic Steps to a Clean and Sanitary Kitchen

    • Chapter 14-Lesson C: Intructions for Using Chlorine Bleach

    • Chapter 14-Lesson D: How to Intensely Clean a Kitchen

    • Chapter 14-Lesson E: Sanitary Kitchen Tips for the Home Cook

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    Chapter 15: Transportation Safety

    • Chapter 15-Lesson A: Introduction to Transportation Safety

    • Chapter 15-Lesson B: Key Principles Affecting Driver Behavior