Course 1245 - Implicit Bias and Why It Does Not Belong in Care
The National Continuing Education Review Service (NCERS) of the National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards (NAB) has approved this program for 5.25 ceus.
Chapter 1 - Lesson A: The Definition of Implicit Bias
FREE PREVIEWChapter 1 - Lesson B: How Bias Creeps into the Workplace
Chapter 1 - Lesson C: The Contributing Mindset
Chapter 1 - Lesson D: Why Eradication in Residential Care Matters So Much...
Chapter 1 - Lesson E: Why Eradication in the Medical Practice Is an Imperative...
Chapter 1 - Lesson F: The Dangers of Bias in Home Care and Strategies for Eradication
Chapter 1 - Lesson G: Strategies for Recognizing Bias and Keeping it Out of Healthcare
Chapter 1 - Lesson H: Recognizing and Eradicating Bias in Mental Health Delivery Services
Chapter 2 - Lesson A: Monitoring for Bias in Recruitment and Hiring
Chapter 2 - Lesson B: Avoiding Bias in Company Policy Enforcement
Chapter 2 - Lesson C: Avoiding Bias in Employee Evaluation
Chapter 3 - Lesson A: Training Course Review