Course curriculum
Chapter 1 - Schizophrenia - Definition, Treatment & How to Help Sufferers
Section 1: What is Schizophrenia?
Section 2: Positive Symptoms
Section 3: Negative Symptoms
Section 4: The Stigma Of Schizophrenia
Section 5: Recognizing That Something Isn't Right
Section 6: Where to Get Help - Seeking Medical Advice
Section 7: Keeping Record
Section 8: Diagnosing Schizophrenia
Section 9: Confidentiality
Section 10: What to Do in a Crisis & Guidelines for Do's & Dont's
Section 11: Police Involvement
Section 12: Hospitalization & Mental Health Legislation
Section 13: Emergency Planning
Section 14: Hospitalization
Section 15: Relations With Hospital Staff
Section 16: Treatment
Section 17: Medication
Section 18: Supportive Therapy
Section 19: Other Forms of Treatment
Section 20: Planning for Discharge
Section 21: Outpatient Programs
Section 22: Suggestions for Coping
Section 23: Returning Home - The Goal of Independent Living
Section 24: Social & Vocational Rehabilitation
Chapter 2 - What Do I Do About......?
Section 1: Refusal to Take Medication
Section 2: Signs of Relapse
Section 3: Embarrassing Behavior
Section 4: Disappearance
Section 5: What Are Things One Can Do?
Section 6: Risk of Suicide
Section 7: What to Do If Suicide is Attempted
Section 8: Trouble with the Law
Section 9: Support For The Family
Section 10: Lesson J - Burnout
Section 11: Research: The Hope For Tomorrow