Course curriculum

  • 1

    Section 1: Advanced Medications

    • Section 1-A: How are Medications Defined?

    • Section 1-B: Why Is Medication Administration Different Among Specialized Populations?

    • Lesson 1-C - A Look at Our Discussion - Review

  • 2

    Section 2: The Body Systems

    • Section 2-A: The Endocrine System

    • Section 2-B: The Nervous System

    • Section 2-C: The Circulatory System

    • Section 2-D: The Respiratory System

    • Section 2-E: The Digestive System

    • Section 2-F: The Muscuskeletal System

    • Section 2-G: The Urinary System

    • Section 2-H: The Integumentary System

    • Section 2-I: The Reproductive System

    • Section 2-J: A Look at Our Discussion - A Review

  • 3

    Section 3: Emergency Medication Administration

    • Section 3-A: What Are Emergency Medications and Why Might They Be Needed?

    • Section 3-B: The Realities of Emergency Medication Administration - Intro

    • Section 3-C: A Look at What We Have Discussed - Review