A Specialized Training Series for Waiver Providers in Mississippi
Operational Prep and Direct Care - Worker Training for Waiver Providers in MIssissippi
Section 1-A: What is a Medicaid Waiver
Section 2-A: The Legislative Purpose of the Act
Section 2-B: Definitions
Section 2-C: Reporting Abuse - The Dynamics and Instructions
Section 2-D: When Care Delivery Employees Accept Gifts
Section 2-E: Investigations of Abuse Allegations - Required Cooperation
Section 2-F: Protective Service Plans, Consent and Interference
Section 2-G: Services to Adults Lacking Capacity to Consent, Injunctive Relief and Probate Appointments
Section 2-H: Alleviating Imminent Danger, Court Ordered Entry Petitioner Immunity in Good Faith
Section 2-I: Right to Bring Motion for Review of Order
Section 2-J: Sexual Battery by Healthcare Employees or Authority Figures
Section 2-K Prohibition Againt Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation - Penalties
Section 2-L: Payment for Services - Orders to Provide Custody, Care and Maintenance
Section 2-M: Authority to Seek Cooperation of Organizations and Agencies
Section 2-N: immunity of Department Employees
Section 2-O: Adoption of Standards, Procedures and Guidelines
Sectioon 2-P : Appointment of Conservator Pursuant to Sections 93-13-251
Section 2-Q: Objecting to Care Based Upon Privacy, Treatment by Spiritual Means, Objection to Medical Treatment
Section 2-R: Education Program
Section 2-S: Implementation of Chapter if Federal Funds Available
Section 2-T: Reporting of Abuse and Exploitation of Patients and Residents of Care Facilities
Section 2-U: Vulnerable Adults Training, Investigation and Procesution Trust Fund Created: Purpose, Funding
Section 3-A: Rights and Dignity Explained
Section 3-B: A Breakdown of Individual Rights
Section 4-A: The Definition and Varying Forms of Dementia
Section 4-B: 10 Early Signs of Alzheimer's Disease
Section 4-C: Simple Communication Strategies for Those With Alzheimer's Disease
Section 5-A: Introduction and the Realities of Dealing with People
Section 5-B: Special Strategies for Dealing With the Difficult Client
Section 6-A: Various Types of Mental Illness
Section-B: How Attentiveness is of Clinical Importance
Section 6-C: How to Make Attentiveness a Part of Your Daily Routine
Section 7-A: What Are the Activites of Daily Life
Section 7-B: How You Can Give Practical Assistance
Section 8-A: What Exactly is HIPAA?
Section 8-B: HIPAA and IT and the NPI Number
Section 9-A: What Are Seizures...
Section 9-B: The Different Types of Seizures and Symptoms
Section 9-C: How You Can Help Those Who Suffer from Seizures
Section 10-A: What is Meant by Elopement?
Section 10-B: Managing Elopement Risks - Strategies
Section 11-A: What Are Assistive Devices?
Section 11-B: Caring for Those With Assistive Devices with a Focus on Safety
Section 12-A: Defining Disability
Section 12-B: Effective Means to Render Assistance: Key Ingredients
Section 13-A: Defining Accidents and Incidents
Section 13-B: Proper Reporting
Section 14-A: An Introduction to Proper Documentation
Section 14-B - What Does Integrity Connote?
Section 14-C: Key Areas of Documentation and Pitfalls to Avoid
Section 15-A: Emergency Preparedness
Section 15-B: Universal Precautions and Infection Control
Section 16-A: The Introduction to Person-Centeredness
Section 16-B: A Major Caution and Course Objectives
Section 16-C: A Case Study on What Person-Centeredness is All About
Section 16-D: Team Effort and Person-Centeredness
Section 16-E: A Look at How a Truly Person-Centered Operation is Described on Paper
Section 16-F: Review Section for Thinking in a Person-Centered Way