Course curriculum

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    Chapter 1: Introduction to Medicaid and Related intro Topics...

    • A Special User Video Introduction...

    • Intro Section 1: Introduction to the National Medicaid Enrollment Info Learning Product

    • Intro Section 2: Special Approaches by Medicare and Medicaid for Renal Failure Patients Requiring Dialysis and Dialysis Transportation...

    • Intro Section 3: Pursuing SSD / SSI vs. a Medicaid Waiver

    • Intro Section 4: What is Earned Income?

    • Intro Section 5: Understanding What is Meant by Federal Poverty Level...

    • Intro Section 6: The Role of Private Companies in Medicaid Enrollment and Management: An Overview

    • Intro Section 7: Tips for Appealing an Insurer's Denial of Needed Medical Services

    • Intro Lesson 8: Understanding the Role of Medicare in Nursing Home Placement

    • Intro Lesson 9: General Items for Care Advocates Related to Medicaid and Nursing Home Placement

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    Chapter 2: State-by-State Enrollment

    • Lesson 1: Understanding the Medicaid Enrollment Process: Medicaid in Alabama

    • Lesson 2: Medicaid in ALASKA

    • Lesson 3: Medicaid in ARIZONA

    • Lesson 4: Medicaid in ARKANSAS

    • Lesson 5: Medicaid in CALIFORNIA

    • Lesson 6: Medicaid in COLORADO

    • Lesson 7: Medicaid in CONNECTICUT

    • Lesson 8: Medicaid in DELEWARE

    • Lesson 9: Medicaid in FLORIDA

    • Lesson 10: Medicaid in Georgia

    • Lesson 11: Medicaid in Hawaii

    • Lesson 12: Medicaid in IDAHO

    • Lesson 13: Medicaid in ILLINOIS

    • Lesson 14: Medicaid in INDIANA

    • Lesson 15: Medicaid in IOWA

    • Lesson 16: Medicaid in KANSAS

    • Lesson 17: Medicaid in KENTUCKY

    • Lesson 18: Medicaid in LOUISIANA

    • Lesson 19: Medicaid in MAINE

    • Lesson 20: Medicaid in MARYLAND

    • Lesson 21: Medicaid in MASSACHUSETTS

    • Lesson 22: Medicaid in MICHIGAN

    • Lesson 23: Medicaid in MINNESOTA

    • Lesson 24: Medicaid in MISSISSIPPI

    • Lesson 25: Medicaid in MISSOURI

    • Lesson 26: Medicaid in MONTANA

    • Lesson 27: Medicaid in NEBRASKA

    • Lesson 28: Medicaid in NEVADA

    • Lesson 29: Medicaid in NEW HAMPSHIRE

    • Lesson 30: Medicaid in NEW JERSEY

    • Lesson 31: Medicaid in NEW MEXICO

    • Lesson 32: Medicaid in NEW YORK

    • Lesson 33: Medicaid in NORTH CAROLINA

    • Lesson 34: Medicaid in NORTH DAKOTA

    • Lesson 35: Medicaid in OHIO

    • Lesson 36: Medicaid in OKLAHOMA

    • Lesson 37: Medicaid in OREGON

    • Lesson 38: Medicaid in PENNSYLVANIA

    • Lesson 39: Medicaid in RHODE ISLAND

    • Lesson 40: Medicaid in SOUTH CAROLINA

    • Lesson 41: Medicaid in SOUTH DAKOTA

    • Lesson 42: Medicaid in TENNESSEE

    • Lesson 43: Medicaid in TEXAS

    • Lesson 44: Medicaid in UTAH

    • Lesson 45: Medicaid in VERMONT

    • Lesson 46: Medicaid in VIRGINIA

    • Lesson 47: Medicaid in WASHINGTON

    • Lesson 48: Medicaid in WASHINGTON D.C.

    • Lesson 49: Medicaid in WEST VIRGINIA

    • Lesson 50: Medicaid in WISCONSIN

    • Lesson 51: Medicaid in WYOMING

    • Lesson 52: Medicaid in PUERTO RICO, GUAM & U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS